[RBS] Shopping center turning into a used car showroom

[RBS] Shopping center turning into a used car showroom

Ephrayim Naiman ejnaiman at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 17:50:05 IST 2011

> It is impossible to find parking in the shopping center on kishon.
> I counted at least 10 cars for sale, several of them with the same phone number.
> I know people may be shopping and happen to be selling their cars, but it
> seems strange that so many cars are for sale, especially by the same owner.
> Has anyone noticed this and noticed as well if the cars are there at night
> and very early in the morning?
> If so, can anything be done to prevent this?
> Now that the car rental companies improved their parking, we have to deal
> with a show room in the pathetic parking lot that we have.

Yes, many have complained to the Iriya about this problem.

First of all, the Iriya is not fully enforcing the rental cars - only
about 60%-70% are out and the Iriya needs to be bugged about doing
their job (another 15-25 rental cars are still hanging around the

In terms of the "cars for sale" - according to the Iriya there is
"little we can do, since they are often not real businesses, therefore
we can't stop them from using the 'public' area for business
The Iriya claims that the "only real solution is to put up parking meters".

I personally disagree.
I *strongly* believe that if there were 2- or 3-hour free parking
policy and the Iriya hired serious pakachim to enforce this - it would
free up 50-80 spots (fines should cover the cost of the pakachim and
possibly more):

+ 15+ car rentals
+ 4 jeeps
+ 15+ cars from people who live in the project but enclosed their parking spot
+ 15+ store owners/employees
+ 8+ "cars for sale"

After numerous attempts, I have been unsuccessful in convincing the
Iriya to try this :-(

-Ephrayim Naiman
ejnaiman at gmail.com

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