[RBS] INFO: RBS Hoshana Raba 100,000 NIS Sweepstakes

[RBS] INFO: RBS Hoshana Raba 100,000 NIS Sweepstakes

YGZier gzier at zahav.net.il
Wed Oct 19 08:55:58 IST 2011


We can all share in a 100,000 NIS Gift – Please Read


Dear Fellow RBS Resident and Friends of the Community:

Out of the 300+ families that the Kupa Shel Tzedaka was b”H zoche to help
over the Yomim
noraim, there are 15  stories that stick out. (enclosed is a sign with a
quick synopsis of the stories)

They stick out not just because each heart-rending story brings tears to the
eyes, but also because their solution is so close, yet so far.

In each case, the Kupa Shel Tzedaka has a very clear, objective plan.

A plan which can totally set these families back on their own feet –
be’ezras Hashem never needing to take from tzedaka again.

In each situation there is only one factor missing: money.

The price: 250,000 shekels!

We have a goal.

Over the next 17 hours – we are going to raise these funds to cure these
families forever!

Now this may seem a little over ambitious – and to tell you the truth, I was
on the verge of ditching the plan.

However, along came a tzaddik – there is no other way to describe him. He
decided that this was an opportunity not to be missed.

To save 15 families?! What a zchus!!! What better way is there to end the
past 51 days of tshuva tefilla and tzedaka – which will be ending tonight?!

And so he challenged us. If we raise 150,000 shekels by the end of Hoshana
Rabba, he will give the last 100,000!!

Now you tell me. Can I ditch the plans?
And so
the race is on.
And I am inviting YOU to join!

This is a one-time opportunity. Not to be missed!
The shofar of Elul, Selichos, Rosh HaShana, Yom Kippur, the mitzvos of
succos and now the final sealing of the din – Hoshana Rabba.

Is there a better way to show Hashem how much these days have meant and how
serious we are in our commitment to do His will

Yes we have all given tzedaka over the past 51 days.

But let’s give that one final push

And remember – every donation you give will earn us an extra 40% when we
reach our goal.

Now you tell me.
Have you ever had a better investment opportunity?

Rephoel Leitner

Executive Director

Kupa Shel Tzedaka RBS A


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