[RBS] Assistance for a family kicked out of their home

[RBS] Assistance for a family kicked out of their home

dave greenfield netmagdave at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 01:15:25 IDT 2011

Hi all –
About a week ago, an e-mail went around about raising money for a
young, professional family who at the time of the email was being
kicked out of their home.  As the person who saw the family vacating
their home, I rushed to raise some sort of financial help without
putting into place the proper infrastructure. I’ve now done so and now
there are two ways you can help -- one for those who are able to
contribute to a recognized charity and the other for those who find
themselves only able to contribute a bit of their time. Please see the
end of this email for details.

For those of you who may have missed the first e-mail, we’re speaking
about a young family like the rest of us who came to Israel full of
idealism and vigor. They’re the kind of couple you’d want to have as
neighbors – generous, kind, and eager to lend a hand.  The wife is a
wonderful educator and an amazing human being. The husband came from a
family business and looked for work locally in Israel.  He too is  a
marvelous teacher, but supporting a family of eight required more than
a teacher’s salary.  So he dabbled in a number of areas began
branching out into real estate speculation in Israel. He had some
small successes here and there and thought he was ready for “the Big
Deal”. Money was invested, mistakes were made, and a life savings and
then some were lost.

Six years later or so his attempts to juggle accounts and make ends
meet have come to ahead. One of the lenders has placed a lien on the
home and the family was forced to vacate. As I wrote the first letter,
the family had to move all of their belongings out of the home and go
live with family 40 minutes outside of RBS. That’s hardly a long term
solution. The children still need to go to school here, their life is
still here.
Please help us help them put their home back together by contributing
to a special account (Keren# 608) set up in the RBS Tzedeka Fund (aka
Kupah Shel Tzedeka), a recognized charity organization here in Ramat
Bet Shemesh (Amutah #58-042043-8). You can find more about the Kupah
here: http://www.rbstzedaka.com/.

Whatever you can do will be surely appreciated. Donating will only
take a few minutes, but can make the world of difference to this
family. Our goal is raise 100,000 NIS, in the next month -  a large
sum of money no doubt, but one that will only cover a small fraction
of their expenses. Donations can be made as follows:

Paypal or Credit Card:
Please go to http://www.rbstzedaka.com/?page_id=51 and follow the
necessary steps. Before you confirm your contribution you will be
given a link to click to add a custom message. Please add “For Keren
#608” to that line.

Please make checks out to “RBS Tzedeka Fund” and write on the check
“For Keren #608” and mail the checks to:
Kupah Shel Tzedeka
Nachal Refaim 36/2
Ramat  Bet Shemesh, Israel

For those who are unable to contribute at this time, let me suggest an
alternative. Take a moment and forward this email to five friends.
Yes, I know, it's a chain letter and we know how we hate chain
letters, but each day we receive meaningless chain letters - at least
this one will be legitimate. Forwarding a letter takes less time than
it took to read this e-mail and you'll still be able to help put this
family back on its feet.

If there are any questions you may have, any concerns you may have
about contributing to this case in need feel free to contact myself or
my wife, David or Ellen Greenfield, for more information.  I can be
reached at netmagdave at gmail.com or at 050-9677986 any time of day or
night – that’s how strongly I feel about this case. Ellen can be
reached at lifenotes at bezeqint.net or ellen.greenfield at gmail.com.

Thank you all and may we only know bsorot tovot. Nobody should have to
go through what this family is experiencing. Let’s work together to do
what we can do to make sure this family does not falter.

All the best,

Dave Greenfield
Strategic Technology Analytics
Research. Analysis. Insight

E-MAIL: dave at stanalytics.com | PHONE: 1-908-264-4118 | SKYPE: Netmagdave
Blog: www.blogs.zdnet.com/greenfield
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