[RBS] "Chareidi" men - please give half an hour to protect Orot girls from abuse - and make a Kiddush Hashem

[RBS] "Chareidi" men - please give half an hour to protect Orot girls from abuse - and make a Kiddush Hashem

Daniel & Amy Michaels dgm at netvision.net.il
Thu Sep 8 08:20:53 IDT 2011

I have been asked by someone from Orot to put together a group of at
least 10 men to be outside Orot girls' school TODAY at 12:50 pm. I
would like the group to be representative of the identifiably
"yeshivish" or "chareidi" population of the Rama that DOES care enough
about school girls being verbally abused, threatened or injured by a
bunch of "protestors".

The presence is intended to deter anyone from starting up with the
girls, as well as showing achdus on this issue. It will be a peaceful
gathering, with no intention to interact directly with any

If you can make it, please let me know, either by return email or on
02-999-6361. Rides may be available. If you need mincha gedola, it is
planned there for about 1:15 pm.

Thanks. Daniel

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