[RBS] Matan Bet Shemesh Elul program is next week!

[RBS] Matan Bet Shemesh Elul program is next week!

engelberg@ieee.org whyvette.e at gmail.com
Fri Sep 9 16:29:43 IDT 2011

Please reply to: Matanbetshemesh at gmail.com

Subject: Matan Bet Shemesh Elul program is next week!

Enrich your Elul with Matan Bet Shemesh!

Join us for two exciting mornings of Elul classes in Hebrew and English!

The Elul Week is dedicated to the memories of:

The father and grandparents of Shoshana Levine and Joshua Rudoff:

Shmuel ben Refael Rudoff z”l, Rafael ben Yehoshua Falk Rudoff z”l,
Golda bat Shlomo Rudoff z”l, Moshe Yosef ben Elimelech Mordechai Feder
z”l, Devora bat Ephraim Yakov Feder z”l

And the father of Miriam Zussman: Menachem bet Rivka z”l

English Shiurim:

Monday Sep. 12 - 13 Elul

8:45– 9:45     Dena Knoll              “Once Upon a Time... The Story
Behind the Chagim”

Dena Knoll made aliyah in the summer of 2010 from Teaneck, NJ, where
she served as Talmud Department Chair at Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School
for Girls.  She is currently teaching at Midreshet Lindenbaum and
Matan Beit Shemesh, and lives in Nofei Aviv with her husband and 3

10:00 – 11:00    Michelle Lewis      "The Pivotal Role of Tefilla in Repentance"

Michelle Lewis has a first degree in Jewish Studies and Jewish History
from the University of London. Michelle has studied in Orot College,
Michlala and Nishmat and is also a graduate of the Bradfield
fellowships for higher Jewish Education in London. Michelle
specializes in Jewish history, especially ancient history. She lives
in Beit Shemesh and is kept amply busy by her 5 kids.

Hebrew Shiurim:

Wednesday Sep. 14 - 15 Elul

8:30 - 9:30   Dr. Avigail Rock  "The meaning of piyutim and slichot on
Yom Kippur" (please bring Yom Kippur Machzor)

Dr. Avigail Rock, holds a PhD in Tanach from Bar-Ilan University, and
has been teaching Tanach and Tora Shebeal Peh for over two decades in
Israel and abroad. She is a certified Rabbinic Advocate, and lives in
Bet Shemesh with her husband, Rabbi Yehuda Rock, and their five

9:45 - 10:45   Adina Sternberg  "Taaviru Shofar B'chol Artzechem: Who
listens to the sound of the Shofar?"

Adina Sternberg holds a BA in Bible from Hebrew University and an MA
in Talmud from Bar Ilan University. She is a doctoral candidate in
Talmud at Bar Ilan and is a recipient of the President's Fellowship.
Adina is an alumnus of Midreshet Lindenbaum, Migdal Oz, Chavruta and
the Advanced Talmud Program of Matan. She teaches Tanach, Talmud
(including Daf Yomi) and Midrash at Matan Bet Shemesh and Matan

Daf Yomi: Sun-Tues at 8:30  Wed. at 8:45 Thursday at 9:00 – come check
it out! No prior experience necessary!

All shiurim free of charge!

The shiurim will take place at Bet Knesset Netzach Menashe.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Dr. Dodi Tobin - Director, Matan Bet Shemesh

Matanbetshemesh at gmail.com

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