[RBS] great shiur

[RBS] great shiur

Jennifer Bloom jbloom at accepted.com
Mon Sep 12 12:35:42 IDT 2011

I just attended a wonderful shiur given by Dena Knoll at Matan in Beit
Shemesh connecting the Yomim Noraim to yitziat mitrayim, cheit ha'egel,
matan Torah, and the mishkan. This was the first time I attended a shiur of
Dena's but I loved it so much that I signed up to attend her shiur on Monday
mornings in Beit Shemesh this year. I plan, b'ezrat Hashem, to drive over
(starting after the chagim) to BS from RBS every Monday for the shiur and
would be happy to take any other women interested in joining me. Let me know
if you'd like to hear more about the shiur or the ride ;-)

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