[RBS] Tehillim signup for Chava bas FAiga- Chava Jane Herscovici

[RBS] Tehillim signup for Chava bas FAiga- Chava Jane Herscovici

rfried rfried at shemesh.co.il
Wed Sep 14 10:04:22 IDT 2011

Please sign up to say tehillim for the complete health, refuah shelema, for
sister, Chava Jane Herscovici - Chava bas Faiga. 
One perek of tehillim per week.

Sign up through this link http://tehillim.mamash.com/?signup_id=23
or by sending me an email to: rfried at shemesh.co.il stating which perek you
would like to say.

We would like to say as many books of tehillim as possible so if someone's
name is by a perek, you can still add your name there and hopefully others
will say the other verses.

Six months ago, Chava Jane was diagnosed with cancer and is now in the
middle of her chemo treatments.  While she is doing quite well, we would
like the davening for her complete recovery to continue. I know that
davening every day was difficult for many, so we are trying to get a
complete book of Tehillim read once a week. So this time, when you sign up,
it is to say a perek of Tehillim once during the whole week that will span
Motzei Shabbos through Shabbos.

This time we will continue the Tehillim through December- starting

Many of you know her, she lived in Ramat Bet Shemesh, Israel, for 4 years
and now lives in
Denver, Colorado.

If you would like to read updates on what is happening with Chava Jane,
please click this link which takes you to a blog where Jane describes
her thoughts and musings on her cancer.

Thanks to everyone for their warm support for my sister and for your
I think one of the reasons she is doing so well is because people all over
the world are davening for her.

May was see only good things!

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