[RBS] Women of RBS come to honor girls at Orot Banot Tomorrow morning!

[RBS] Women of RBS come to honor girls at Orot Banot Tomorrow morning!

yehudis schamroth yehudisschamroth at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 15 09:52:48 IDT 2011

Lets help create more achdus for Am Yisrael!
All women are invited to come to Bet Sefer Orot Banot  to honor the the girls with flowers. We will wish  them a brief "Shabbat Shalom" and convey our support and love to each girl.
When:  TOMORROW: Friday Sept 16, 
            910am meet at Arthur's pharmacy on Dolev
         (we will car pool together, give rides to those who need them)
            920  leave the pharmacy and drive to the school on Rechov  Herzog
            930- We want to enter the school together as a group, so please drive with us or wait at the school until the group arrives. Rebbitzen Shoshi Nissinbaum will give a brief divrei Torah and we will distribute flowers to the girls (with the school's permission of course!)1015a finish!! Rides will be provided in each direction.

Calling all women of RBS A abd B: (written by Shoshana Hamberg):

 Holy Women of Ramat Bet Shemesh Alef and Bet:
 We all have  been greatly saddened by many different "events" that have taken place recently in Am Yisrael.  We keep waiting for something to happen, something to change, someone (who is BIG) to do SOMETHING.  To be really honest, maybe someone has, but obviously it is not enough.  Reading about what is going  on with the Orot Dati Leumi school in these last weeks makes one sick.
How can we expect these girls (or their parents) to have a positive view of Chareidim?  How can they achieve ahavas yisrael with such a horrible experience always clouding their minds. How can We do NOTHING?!?
It's Elul.  We want to do teshuva.  We want to get close to Hashem by being LIKE Him.  He loves His children, and we are commanded to.
We want to help rectify this situation...
Think about those beautiful little girls.  Young girls harassed and ridiculed.  
Time for the  Nashim Ttdikonious of RBS to do something
Shoshana Hamberg,Yehudis Schamroth, Rebbitzen Shoshi Nissenbaum and many other concerned women in RBS A and B  women have contacted the school and are heading down to the Orot girls school this friday morning at 9:30am with a smile and a flower for each girl!  On each flower It will say, "Just as this flower helps make the world more beautiful, YOU help make Am Yisrael more beautiful...Shabbat Shalom"
Our goal is two fold. First to let the girls know that they are indeed worthwhile, and secondly for them to see that not all Chareidim are awful.
We request the presence of all torah observant women to be there, but  feel that this message will be even stronger if we come with a group of Chareidi women as well, and so we invite YOU to please join us.
Please call or send an e-mail if you think you can come!
We hope to see many of you there- we will only take up one hour of your time on this busy day.
Sincerely, and Shabbat Shalom
Shoshana Hamburg 
999-0575                and
 Yehudis Schamroth 
0545-91-6673 or 02-992-0268

May Hashem please send us all the courage to always do what's right.

*Please meet in front of Aurthur's Pharmacy at 9:10.!

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