[RBS] Orot Banot Update + March on Motzei Shabbat!

[RBS] Orot Banot Update + March on Motzei Shabbat!

Michael Barnett michael at rankabove.com
Fri Sep 16 17:53:45 IDT 2011

Hello everyone.
 I will send a more lengthy update on Sunday but for now I can say that it
was not an easy week for Orot Banot but we are working hard with the police
to secure the safety of the girls and bringing the criminals to justice.
This morning, Chareidi women from RBS came to Orot bring the students
flowers and it was a wonderful event.  (

On Motzei Shabbat there will be an important march.

We are gathering as a unified general population to make the statement that
this is a city for all Jews (including Chareidim) and not a "Chareidi
city."  The location of the march is a symbol of this concept - the
construction site of the new concert hall which has been threatened by
extremist elements.  We are gathering at 9:00p.m. at the corner of Ben Zev
and Levi Eshkol (up the block from Moniyot Sharet).  If you are coming from
RBS it is a right at Yadren and Herzog, a left at the first circle, pass
through the first circle, and you will see the gathering site on the left at
the next intersection.  I know it is not easy to come out on Motzei Shabbat
but encourage everyone to make the effort.
If you arrive late we are marching down that street and then turning right.

Shabbat shalom, Dov


Best wishes,
Michael Barnett  | VP Marketing | RankAbove |
T: +972-2-566-0570 | M: +972-54-426-8423 | Direct US +1 718-701-1458
e-mail: mailto:michael at rankabove.com | website: www.rankabove.com |


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