[RBS] Names on Tehillim lists

[RBS] Names on Tehillim lists

marsha twersky marshat at 013net.net
Tue Sep 20 09:09:49 IDT 2011

Over the past month or so, numerous people have posted names of people who are in need of our tfillot. Unfortunately, rarely does anyone ever hear if these individuals have recovered or g-d forbid, passed away. It would be helpful to know whether tehillim is still needed for these individuals. Can anyone please let me/the list know whether the following people are in need of our prayers. If you've posted names to the list, please take a minute to look at this list of names.  Thanks, Wendy 
Refael Matityayu Yaakov ben Gittel Rivka 
Chaya Meira bat Chava Golda 
 Chaim Reuven Dovid ben Chava Leah 
 Moriah Shoshana bat Orli 
 Chaya bat Orna 
 Brendel bat Frummit 
 Rachel Leah bat Yenta Raizel 
 Liel bat Ofra 
 Yaakov Yosef ben Raizel 
 Dovid Avraham ben Fayge 
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