[RBS] "why don't they just move the school? you know, to make peace."

[RBS] "why don't they just move the school? you know, to make peace."

Goldmeier Family goldmeier.family at gmail.com
Sat Sep 24 21:03:11 IDT 2011

Kiryat Sefer doesn't want them either

On 23/9/2011 2:12 PM, Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder wrote:
> 3,.   why don't the people who want an all-hareidi town move?   anyone 
> who moved into a mixed city cannot complain that his neighbourhood 
> borders on other people's neighbourhoods.   d-uh.  if they dont; wnt 
> to see any one else, they can move to kiryat sefer.

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