[RBS] giveaway: catered fleishig food

[RBS] giveaway: catered fleishig food

Riva joelriva at bezeqint.net
Sun Apr 1 11:27:14 IDT 2012

I have the following yummy food to give away from our catered Shabbos, all
fresh and delicious, all ingredients Eidah Chareidis hechsher:


1.	Big tub of chopped liver
2.	Vegetable medley-corn, peas, green beans, carrots, in sauce
3.	Fleishig chulent with meat, kishke, very yummy
4.	Cubed Potatoes-spicy


If you would enjoy this food, please CALL, not email, to pick it up, on
Uriah, today: 054-841-7573.


Take care,



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