[RBS] Baruch Dayan HaEmett

[RBS] Baruch Dayan HaEmett

Likud Members of Bet Shemesh likudbs at gmail.com
Wed Apr 11 05:34:49 IDT 2012

We are sorry to announce the petira of Moshe Feiglin's father. The levaya
was held on Tuesday in Hertzliya.

Moshe will be sitting Shiva (starting after the chag) according to the
following schedule:

Saturday night - In his home: 19 Ha'Erez Street, Ginot Shomron (Neve Aliza

Sunday - 10:30 AM through 10:00 PM, at his sister's house: 5 Ha'Dekel
Street, Ganei Tikva

Monday through Friday - In his house, full time. 

If you are going, or if you want to get a ride, please be in contact at this
address so we can help the most.

Aryeh Sonnenberg

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