[RBS] preparing our kids for lag ba'omer

[RBS] preparing our kids for lag ba'omer

Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder philnchanie at gmail.com
Sun Apr 15 21:46:22 IDT 2012

i  imagine that all of us supplemented what our children learnt for
Pessah with or own instruction , or at least the occasional sentence
about Hilchot pessah

i would like to suggest that we do the same for lag ba'omer
that we add to the lessons they are hearing at school about sin'at
hinam by teaching them a basic mitzva bein adam l'haveiro

 issur gezel- this means that if we find something that is clearly not
ours, that we do not use it , even if "we didn't steal it".   if i
find your wallet in my parking lot, i cannot use the money in it, even
if i wasn't the pickpocket.  same applies to shopping buggies

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