[RBS] Need info: complaints vs. Bet Shemesh police department

[RBS] Need info: complaints vs. Bet Shemesh police department

Leeba Rosenthal hazlucha at bezeqint.net
Wed Apr 18 09:51:55 IDT 2012

Seeking information on how to make a formal complaint to someone or
somewhere  who can make the Bet Shemesh police do their jobs.   We have
become victim to serious disservice on their part and we would like to try
to get this issue addressed before they cause us any more pain,  plus this
can only help the rest of the community.  Police are only helpful if they do
their job properly.
PLEASE no speeches about how wonderful they are and how they "try to do
their best". When all the correct channels have been gone through and all
the right papers have been filed, and they agree that is the case but still
nothing is done,  they are not doing their best.  

Thank you for any help or any  information you may have. 

Leeba Rosenthal
~077 78 555 11~

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