[RBS] Osh Kosh denim "skort" 3T for sale

[RBS] Osh Kosh denim "skort" 3T for sale

Isaac and Esther Graf iegraf at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 18 17:12:32 IDT 2012

New Osh Kosh size 3T (fits my 2 year old perfectly) denim "skort" -- you put them on like shorts, but has a flap in the front so it looks like a denim skirt from the front.
Only worn to try on, but the tags have already been cut. Purchased in the US.
Selling for 30 shekels

(The background: I thought that they were shorts, and after putting them on my son this morning for the first time, I realized that he was in fact wearing a skirt!) 		 	   		  

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