[RBS] Jane (Chava Bas Faiga) is hosting a class in gratitude on Sunday

[RBS] Jane (Chava Bas Faiga) is hosting a class in gratitude on Sunday

rfried rfried at shemesh.co.il
Thu Aug 9 17:32:51 IDT 2012

Subject:   Jane (Chava Bas Faiga) is hosting a class in gratitude on Sunday

This Sunday at 10:45am  I  am sponsoring a class by a noted Brooklyn
lecturer in gratitude to all of the woman in Israel that have davened for my
recovery.  I would love to see you there at Rivka Fine's house,  10 Nachal
Yaale, RBSA.  Yehudis Zahavah  Michealson, the lecturer is a close friend,
previous roommate and speaks regularly to a full crowd in Brooklyn.

Hope to see you there,
Jane (Chava bas Faiga) Herscovici

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