[RBS] tooday: trial classes at the rbs matnas.monday august 27th

[RBS] tooday: trial classes at the rbs matnas.monday august 27th

shalem shalemm at bezeqint.net
Mon Aug 27 08:03:44 IDT 2012

Today will begin the following departments:
 Zumba Girls - 16:30 - Classes 9-14
Gymnastics parents and children 16:15 - Age 1.4 to 2.5
 Young Gymnastics - 17:05 - 3-4, 17:50 - age 5-6, 18:35 - age 7-10.
 Fimo - 17:00 10 NIS to bring class experience
 Arts integration - 18:00 10 NIS to bring class experience
Darbuka - 17:00 Age 6-10, Age 10-12 17:50.
 I'd be happy to answer any questions every day from tomorrow at 16:00 to 19:00 at the RBS Matnas.
 Also, Hurry to register and receive one month free gift!

 Reut Dayan רעות דיין
 רכזת חוגים וקהילה, מתנ"ס רמב"ש   
 Chugim & Community Coordinator , RBS Matnas
rbschugim at gmail.com

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