[RBS] an unbelievable chessed opportunity for former South Africans and others

[RBS] an unbelievable chessed opportunity for former South Africans and others

squilance zfriedman at aish.com
Wed Aug 29 16:56:33 IDT 2012

Attention all former residents of South Africa.  Here is an opportunity to help a fellow South African while doing an amazing Mitzvah.  Sara (not her real name) grew up in Margate knowing nothing about Yiddishkeit and recently started getting interested in learning more.  When her parents heard that she was moving to Johannesburg to attend classes at Aish HaTorah they disowned her and refused to pay for anything (not even her secular college).  Sara had no place to live and actually moved in with the family of one of the Aish Rabbis.  B"H she made it to Israel and has just completed Jewel - Aish HaTorah's introductory program for women where she received a full scholarship.  She wants to stay in Israel to continue her learning and we are trying to raise money to help her stay and learn.  If you are willing to make a tax deductible donation (Israeli, US or Canadian receipts available), then please get in touch with fellow RBS resident Zvi Friedman at zvifriedman at gamil.com or 052-312-5579.  This amazing mitzvah is perfect for this time of year because the zchus of your donation will continue as long as this young woman or one of her descendents do mitzvos – you (and after 120 years – your neshama) will share in the zchus of their mitzvah.  You don't have to be from South Africa to participate in this incredible opportunity or to support Kiruv in general.  Thank you.

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