[RBS] BDE - Rav Boaz Mori's mother was nifterres

[RBS] BDE - Rav Boaz Mori's mother was nifterres

Ephrayim Naiman ejnaiman at gmail.com
Mon Dec 3 16:03:33 IST 2012

We regret to inform you of the passing of Rav Boaz Mori's mother,
Mrs. Rena Mori - Chaya Bina Rena Bat Esther z"l
The funeral will take place on Monday evening at 6:45 PM (Note: Updated Time)
at HaYarkon Cemetery, Shaar Hachesed, near Tel Aviv (Kvish #5).

Rav Boaz will be sitting shiva at his father’s house, Rechov HaMishna,
14/1, Shikun Bavli, Tel Aviv.

Shacharis: 8:00
Mincha: 4:15
Ma'ariv: 5:00

Rav Boaz will be sitting shiva on Motzash at his house in Ramat Shilo,
Yerushalayim 9/2 on Motzash till 11:00.

-Ephrayim Naiman
ejnaiman at gmail.com

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