Rivka Ester Rothstein rivkaest at 012.net.il
Mon Dec 3 15:19:30 IST 2012

ASHREINU, BEIT SHEMESH! (including Rama Aleph, Beit, Nachala Menucha &


In but a quickly organized event to coincide with the nationwide campaign to
gather donations of hair to be made into wigs or otherwise benefit young
people battling cancer, girls and women of the area donated 35 braids of at
least 30 centimeters each!


If you or your daughters are interested, I'm happy to still serve as the
collection point, and have all the relevant information, forms & envelopes
for hair donation which are welcome at any time during the year.  As an
educational point:  we all try to inculcate the lessons of tzedaka and
chesed to our children, but rarely do they have the opportunity to be the
actual givers.  One Mother came in with her three daughters, ages 10, 8 & 6
- we have gorgeous photographs of them smiling broadly with their new
hairstyles while they hold their shorn braids, and they have the sense of
having done a huge chessed!  So start growing now and you/they'll be ready
for next year's event! (*bli neder!)


I'd like to publicly thank the following people/institutions/stores, all of
whom donated to the success of the event:


Rav Rosner Tiferet Seminary & the Tiferet girls, for donating the space and
their volunteer assistance.

Sifrei Geula, HaKol l'Shulchan, & Big Deal for all donating items to make
the event a success.

Angel's Bakery & Zislik for providing donuts and ice cream for hair

Notzetz for providing hair accessories for hair donators.

Connections Magazine and Meida laKol for providing free advertising.

Dalia Finkelstein of Dalia Art Photography www.daliaart.com
<http://www.daliaart.com/>  who donated her time to take marvelous
photographs of the event, which will shortly be posted on her site.

The professional hairstylists who stood endlessly on their feet measuring,
braiding, chopping & styling hair: 

(in alphabetical first name order)


Ahuva Rubin of ahuvawigs at gmail.com 0524-599-258

Elli Fein 0542270869

Miriam Kaufman of Shear Beauty 054-557-9402

Nava Thomas 0774186918


Please do frequent these donors and let them know you appreciate their
contributions.  Please take note that with the exception of the free
advertisements, all of the donors are located in RBS A.


A huge yasher koach to all of you!


~Rivka Ester Rothstein




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