[RBS] Giving away: Siblings Without Rivalry Group Workshop

[RBS] Giving away: Siblings Without Rivalry Group Workshop

Rachel Brody dbrody at 012.net.il
Sun Dec 9 05:58:21 IST 2012

The Siblings Without Rivalry group workshop is available in six audio tapes.
It's designed to be run either by a parent or a trained professional.  It is
a self-contained, do-it-yourself course that enables you to bring together a
group of parents, teachers, students, colleagues, staff, clients, friends or
neighbors to solve common problems of living or working with children of all

What Do the Workshops Teach?

The goal of the Siblings Without Rivalry group workshop is to help you to
help your children learn how to live together.  Each session sensitizes
parents to what it is that increases hostility between children and the
attitude and the language that decreases hostility.  During each session,
parents will learn and practice specific skills that help to reduce friction
and make harmony possible.


If anyone would like to have this workshop and all the materials included,
please call me,

Rachel Brody 991-0350

Happy Chanukah!




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