[RBS] Shiva information for Tobi Friedman

[RBS] Shiva information for Tobi Friedman

squilance zfriedman at aish.com
Tue Dec 25 04:02:57 IST 2012

RBS resident Tobi Friedman is sitting shiva for her father Mr. George Hershkowitz, A"H along with her mother Sandy Hershkowitz, uncle Shaya Hershkowitz and sisters Linda Holtz, Pessi Kenig and Shani Odzer, at the home of her parents 15 Rechov Hapalmach, Knissah Bet - one flight up in Katamon (Yerushalayim), until Sunday morning, December 30th.  Tobi can be reached at 050 709 1313.

Bosoros Tovos

Zvi Friedman

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