[RBS] New from Saidels Bakery!! The SPELT SERIES

[RBS] New from Saidels Bakery!! The SPELT SERIES

Sheryl Saidel shezles at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 26 16:13:22 IST 2012

Spelt is one of the five common grains from which bread is made (wheat, barley, rye, oats and spelt). 

The latest nutritional research tends to favour spelt over wheat for two reasons. Spelt is low in gluten. Also, unlike wheat which is the common grain used to make flour and that has been genetically engineered to improve yield, spelt still remains a somewhat marginal market and therefore has not yet come under the knife and been tampered with as wheat has. Modern wheat, in its current genetically engineered form, is a far cry from the original that G-d created. Spelt, on the other hand, remains the same spelt of 

Spelt is very easy on the digestive system and produces none of the ill effects experienced when eating too many gluten rich wheat products. Most people who have switched to spelt rave about its benefits and the improvement in their health.

For these reasons our bakery will be expanding our product line specifically in this direction.

We are please to introduce to you our new SPELT SERIES of products which are all made using 100% organic whole spelt flour -

1.100% Spelt Bread 
2. Rambam Spelt Bread
3. Spelt Walnut Bread
4. Spelt Dried Tomato Bread
5. Spelt Multigrain Bread
6. Spelt Challah
7. Spelt Challah Rolls
8. Spelt Snacks

100% Spelt Bread 
The basic, staple spelt bread which is beautiful in its simplicity, containing only 100% organic whole spelt flour, water, sea salt, and wild yeast. You would imagine such a basic bread to be bland and tasteless, however 
nothing could be further from the truth. The combination of spelt's unique, intrinsic flavour combined with sourdough/natural yeast creates an incredibly light, fluffy and moist crumb with an amazingly robust flavour. Thi
s bread is shaped in a pan loaf and is excellent for sandwiches.

Rambam Spelt Bread 
Combining our highly successful Rambam Bread (TM) formula and using 100% organic whole spelt flour, instead of the 50-50 wheat flour mix of the regular Rambam Bread, this could very well be the healthiest bread on the planet. Containing medicinal herbs recommended by the Rambam, added vitamins, omega-3, omega-6 and baked using a special process (described by the Rambam in his medical writings) to further reduce the gluten content of the bread, this amazing and incredibly tasty bread is definitely our next hit.

Spelt Walnut Bread 
The first in our "gourmet" spelt series combines the unique flavour of spelt and roasted walnuts to produce an incredibly yummy bread. Spread with cream cheese or any topping of your choice, or even eaten on its own, this bread is an experience you do not want to miss.

Spelt Dried Tomato Bread 
Spelt bread combined with a Mediterranean twist of sun dried tomatoes, the second in our "gourmet" spelt series. The piquant touch of the dried tomatoes combines excellently with the unique, inherent spelt flavour to produce an eye popping loaf that is as beautiful to behold as it is to eat.

Spelt Multigrain Bread 
For natural fiber nothing beats this bread. 100% whole spelt combined with flax, sesame, oats, sunflower seeds and combined with natural/sourdough yeast, this highly nutritious and healthy bread should definitely find a place on your table.

Spelt Challah 
Made with 100% whole spelt flour this delicious (non-sweet) challah will turn your Shabbat meal into something special. Incredibly light and fluffy for a whole grain bread and packed with flavour.

Spelt Challah Rolls 
Same as the Spelt Challah in a smaller, braided roll form.

Spelt Snacks 
This yummy dessert snack (cookie) is addictive. Containing 100% organic whole spelt flour combined with sesame seeds and a touch of honey, this treat will provide a healthy quench for your sweet desires.

You may read more details about our Spelt Series on our website www.saidels.com including pictures and full nutritional info. (If you click on a photo of a specific product the nutritional info comes up).

We deliver to Ramat Bet Shemesh every Friday. We have  a pick-up point or we can deliver to your door (for a 10 NIS delivery fee). Our pick-up point in Ramat Bet Shemesh is at:
Hadine and Andrew Gordon, Nachal Shimshon 12/1.Tel: 9997643.  13:30-15:15

Stay healthy. Shabbat Shalom
Les and Sheryl Saidel
Saidels Bakery - baked with love
Tel: 09-7941222
shezles at saidels.com
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