[RBS] FIRE EXTINGUISHERS - you should never need to use one!

[RBS] FIRE EXTINGUISHERS - you should never need to use one!

Rivka Ester Rothstein rivkaest at 012.net.il
Sun Dec 30 23:40:41 IST 2012

But you should absolutely HAVE one in case, chas v’sholem, you DO need to!



Have you tried to acquire a fire extinguisher here yet?

After seeking to purchase a fire extinguisher from every place I
imagined they'd be available, I discovered they must be ordered online from
company that manufactures them. In order to make them available to the
neighborhood, I decided to volunteer to take on distribution for the area.

After researching the various ones available, I chose halon gas 1211 הלון,

3 kg. container – large enough for home use (as opposed to powder which

dries out and needs to be continually refilled), able to put out all types
of fires: 

wood, plastic, kitchen (oil, etc.), electric. According to 'tav teken',
guaranteed for 3 years.

They're currently available on-line from various manufacturers for between

360 nis plus 45 nis delivery charge (down from 449 nis) and up. 

I am able to provide them for 350 if you come to my home to collect it; 

370 if you want delivery to your home and you're in Beit Shemesh/Ramat Beit

I'm sure they don't need to be 'sold' - suffice to say every home, gan,
office, etc., should have at least one, and certainly one per floor!

Please indicate your desire to order a fire extinguisher as well as
whether or not you require home delivery by replying to this email.
I'll need you to drop off the money in cash when you place your order; 

then I'll phone you within a few days to one week when they’ve been

delivered to me. My home number is 02-999-3470.

Wishing you all a healthy, rainy & safe winter.


~Rivka Ester Rothstein

"At Your Service ~ Cleaner Referral Service"

Matching cleaners with clients in the RBS/Beit Shemesh areas since 1999.

Your address for one-off or steady home cleaning help.

02-999-6093 Please call between 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

p.s. Some listers have pointed out to me that it's possible to purchase
a fire extinguisher from an auto parts place. True - and it's a small 1
kg. affair, for the purpose of putting out chalila a fire in the car.
It is NOT appropriate for home use, we shouldn't know from it!


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