[RBS] Weekly women's Shabbat Shiur at Bet Knesset Ohr Shalom

[RBS] Weekly women's Shabbat Shiur at Bet Knesset Ohr Shalom

Pircha Soloveichik pcsolo at shemesh.co.il
Thu Feb 9 11:00:13 IST 2012

All women are invited to attend the weekly women's Shabbat Shiur at Bet
Knesset Ohr Shalom.

The shiur takes place after davening in the morning (at approximately

This Shabbat, we are honored to have a guest lecturer, Rabbi Moshe
Stern, give the shiur.

Rabbi Stern is a noted speaker and the Rav of Shaarei Tefilla Shul in

The shiur is about 1/2 hour long, so there will be time to attend the
community Kiddush afterwards. 

Bet Knesset Ohr Shalom is located on Nachal Maor 27 (corned of Nachal
Refaim, next to the park).

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