[RBS] RBS Gelt Center: What Strike?

[RBS] RBS Gelt Center: What Strike?

Avraham Elkind avraham.elkind at gmail.com
Sun Feb 12 19:57:53 IST 2012

Dear All,

We were pleasantly surprised to learn that all of our shekels transfers
made it to their destinations in the last few days to the delight of all of
our customers.

Please note that if you order a shekels transfer from us by 1pm, the
transfer will be sent the same day, no exception.
We will provide an email confirmation, both upon ordering the wire from us
as well as upon execution of the wire.

We look forward to serving all of your personal banking needs with
unbeatable prices and unbeatable service.

RBS Gelt Center is conveniently located in the RBS Shopping Center, around
the corner from Big Deal,
across the parking lot from the Dona building which houses Merkaz Rakefet,
Kupot Cholim Macabee, Klalit, and Leumit;
we are co-located with Ambassador Tours Travel Agency 02 992 5020 in the
RBSA Shopping Center.

The store hours are 8:30am to 7pm Sunday to Thursday, 8:30 to 12:30 on
Fridays and Erev Chag.
When the days are short and Shabos comes in early - we will be closing the
doors at noon on Fridays.

The phone number in the store is 02 992 3719, the fax is 1532 992 6308, our
email address is info(at)RBSGeltCenter.com
(please replace (at) with @).

You can bank with us in person or by phone or by fax or by email or by
We are a one stop solution for all of your money management and personal
banking needs.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Best regards -

Avraham Elkind, Rabbi Ari Enkin, Shlomie Aron
RBS Gelt Center - Financial Services - Local - Trusted - On-Time
Nahal Nitzanim 1; RBSA Shopping Center
voice: 02 992 3719
fax: 1532 992 6308
email: info at rbsgeltcenter.com
web: www.rbsgeltcenter.com
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