[RBS] Do you drive to/from Ramat Gan?

[RBS] Do you drive to/from Ramat Gan?

Daniel & Amy Michaels dgm at netvision.net.il
Wed Feb 15 16:25:02 IST 2012

A friend of ours is looking for a morning ride to or near the BESSER
Building in Ramat Gan (near the Ramat Gan stadium), to arrive between
7:30 and 8:30 am. She needs to travel there daily, but would be happy
to have a ride even a few days a week, and even without a regular
commitment. She's happy to contribute towards fuel costs.

Alternatively, if you go to around the Azrieli Center or to the
entrance to Bnei Brak, either of those would still be an improvement
on her current arrangements. The Shapirim park-and-ride would also be
an option.

Return rides from any of the above in the evening hours would also be
of interest.

If you might be able to help, please reply to this email, or call
Elisheva on 999-6806.
Tizku l'mitzvot.

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