[RBS] Urgent Residents' Meeting in RBS Alef about RBS-Gimmel-2

[RBS] Urgent Residents' Meeting in RBS Alef about RBS-Gimmel-2

Ephrayim Naiman ejnaiman at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 16:13:17 IST 2012

Urgent Residents Meeting in RBS Alef- Gimmel 2

When:   Wednesday,  February 29th -   9:10 PM
Where:  Beit Knesset  Ohr Hashalom  (Soloveitchik’s)
             Corner of Refaim and Maor

The current plan for development of the Gimmel-2 neighborhood,
adjacent to RBS Alef, will significantly impact the quality of life of
the residents of RBS Alef.

Once Gimmel-2 is built our inadequate infrastructure of roads/parking,
schools, shopping centers and shuls/mikvaot will have to accommodate
the thousands of new residents that will populate this adjacent
neighborhood which is being built with less infrastructure than RBS

We the residents of RBS can still prevent Gimmel-2 from being
developed in its current format.

Come and find out what you can do to protect your quality of life!

D’var Torah- Rabbi Hayim Soloveitchik
Moderated Panel Discussion-  Zvi Wolicki, Rabbi Dov Lipman, Ephrayim
Naiman, Motti Cohen
Moderator- Carmi Wisemon

(Separate seating- Hebrew and English)

-Ephrayim Naiman
ejnaiman at gmail.com

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