[RBS] MITZVAH APPEAL: Kidney needed for baby - blood type O

[RBS] MITZVAH APPEAL: Kidney needed for baby - blood type O

Marci Rapp marci at bezeqint.net
Sun Feb 26 00:45:57 IST 2012

MITZVAH APPEAL: Kidney needed for baby - blood type O

Baby who has been in dialysis since birth.. 
He is only 1-1/2 years old. 
He has just reached 10 kilo in weight- the minimum for transplant. 
Also, a 60ish woman who had a previous unsuccessful 3rd world transplant. She almost lost her life because they injured her blood vessels. 

If you are blood type 0 and would potentially be interested in donating a kidney, please contact:
HaRav Yeshayahu Heber
Matnat Chaim (Hebrew)
072-242-0999 or 050-411-7014
matnatc at gmail.com
or contact me and I will forward you the necessary English information.  I am a recent altruistic kidney donor to a 48 year old mother of 6.
The Government of Israel, Ministry of Health Transplantation Division recently began to encourage and compensate altruistic kidney donors. 
Marci Rapp
MarSea Modest Swim & Gymwear
Cover what you want...in style!
marci at bezeqint.net
Thornhill>Katamon, July22/08
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