Gannendy r gannendy at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 29 06:21:24 IST 2012

Gan Ulpan is a Reggio Inspired Gan that is unique in so many ways:
Project Work: 
Children explore topics of interest in depth.   Project work includes math, science, literacy, social skills, creative arts, and cognitive skills.

Long term projects have three main parts: 
1. Deciding on a topic to study with the children.  Developing a list of what the children already know about the topic, and a list of questions that the children have or want to know, or find out, about the topic.  
2.  Field work and investigation.  The children use many resources to investigate their topic hands on including, books, experiments, field trips, local experts, and direct observation.  They use drawing and other art media to document and express their discoveries.
3.  The children together with the teacher tell the story of what they learned through class books, to share with families and friends.  Some examples of topics we have studied:  Fire, Kings and Castles, Hashem, and Invisible things that are real.  Pets, Babies, Feelings.  

Parsha, Chagim, Tefillah, Brachot, Eretz Yisrael, and Mitzvot are an integral part of our daily/weekly program.  These activities are meaningful and integral to the children's lives and are integrated into the curriculum, and often into our projects, in developmentally appropriate ways.

Discipline and Social Skills:
We actively teach communication skills, problem solving skills, and conflict resolution skills, to help children learn to resolve conflicts peacefully.  We set clear firm limits with respect and without coercion. Children are expected and taught to take responsibility for maintaining a physically and emotionally safe environment.

For example, a child who hurts someone is expected to help them feel better by bringing them ice, a band-aid, or drawing them a picture.  This is followed by a discussion of what would have been a better solution, and what the child will do differently next time.

Parent Involvement:
Parents are a vital part of the Gan Ulpan experience and are encouraged to participate in every aspects of our program.  They help out with projects, field trips, special activities, and are offered parenting workshops, and support.  We have an open-door policy to parents.  Visiting grandparents have been known to spend a day with us!  Parents and relatives receive news letters and e-mail updates, and bi-weekly photos and video clips from the Gan.

Gan Ulpan accepts children with special needs who will benefit from our program.

Creative Drama:  
The children's stories are recorded by the teacher and then acted 
out by the children as they are read aloud verbatim. The 'author' 
chooses the actors to represent her story.  This activity builds 
vocabulary skills, literacy skills, self confidence, and self esteem.

Music Lessons: 
With Judy Clark of Kindermusic!

 For Sept. 2012 we are accepting a small group of children ages 3-5.  The Gan will be located on Hayarkon in RBS A.  Visit www.ganulpan.org to find out more about the Gan. 
Or call Genendy Radoff:  991-6582  052-651-6582
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