[RBS] Please Encourage Chareidi Leaders to Speak Out, and note that they are NOT "charedim" they are nutcases

[RBS] Please Encourage Chareidi Leaders to Speak Out, and note that they are NOT "charedim" they are nutcases

Leeba (Bell) Rosenthal hazlucha at bezeqint.net
Sun Jan 1 10:15:15 IST 2012

You are 100% right! AND thank you for the respectful response.  
I'm not a big rav so my comments may seem to be unimportant, but if enough people  DID voice what I said over the list maybe that would  help  too!    Perhaps the reasons they don’t speak out  is b/c they receive bashings like I did when I sent out my comment.  I certainly did not  expect  a thank you, but some of the reactions I did receive made me feel like *I* was spit on.  I have pretty thick skin so I'll continue to speak out against this insanity, but not everyone does .... think about it.   

-----Original Message-----
From: Catriel Lev [mailto:clev at actcom.com] 
Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2012 6:54 AM
To: hazlucha at bezeqint.net; 'Susan Reuben'; 'Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder'; 'BS_List'; 'rbs lists - huji'; 'Rbs2'
Subject: RE: [RBS] Please Encourage Chareidi Leaders to Speak Out, and note that they are NOT "charedim" they are nutcases

The reason that these nutcases are referred to as "Chareidim", even though, as I well know, they do NOT represent the majority of Chareidim, is that they claim to speak and act in the name of the entire Chareidi society.

Since no Chareidi leader, with the notable exception of Rav Yakov Horowitz of Monsey, New York, has yet been willing to make a strong, unequivocal condemnation of these hooligan-nutcases in a public and consistent manner; the public, unfortunately receives the impression that these nutcases DO represent the entire Chareidi society.

True leaders, like Rav Dov Lipman here in Bet Shemesh, DO make the point that these hooligans are not representative of the entire Chareidi society, even as they work against the damage these hooligans do. However, since they are seen as outside of Chareidi society fighting the "Chareidi" nutcases, their statements are insufficient!

If you have connections with any Chareidi leaders/Rabbis; PLEASE encourage them to speak out, again and again, with a strong, unequivocal condemnation of these hooligan-nutcases in a public and consistent manner, in at least as strong a manner as Chareidi society generally condemns the disturbing of Jewish graves and other religious ritualistic matters. Such condemnations will, if repeated strongly and consistently enough, create the kind of social pressure necessary to marginalize these hooligan-nutcases, and to show non-Chareidi society that these hooligans truly do NOT represent Chareidi society the way they are claiming!

כתריאל לב
טלפון: 02-991-4332
טל' נייד: 050-205-7867
Catriel Lev
Telephone: 972-2-991-4332
Mobile Phone: 972-50-205-7867
-----Original Message-----
From: rbs-bounces at cs.huji.ac.il [mailto:rbs-bounces at cs.huji.ac.il] On Behalf Of Leeba (Bell) Rosenthal
Sent: Saturday, 31 December, 2011 22:35
To: 'Susan Reuben'; 'Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder'; 'BS_List'; 'rbs lists - huji'; 'Rbs2'
Subject: [RBS] Please note" they are NOT charedim they are nutcases

I am more disappointed that people continue to refer to them as  "charedim",
when in  fact they are actually nutcases, not true charedim. 

-----Original Message-----
From: rbs-bounces at cs.huji.ac.il [mailto:rbs-bounces at cs.huji.ac.il] On Behalf
Of Susan Reuben
Sent: Friday, December 30, 2011 1:30 PM
To: Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder; BS_List; rbs lists - huji; Rbs2
Subject: Re: [RBS] where it all starts, and where it can end

up until now there have been no personal articles written regarding the 
chillul HaShem - on both sides - that is taking place in our community.  I 
don't understand why this letter was accepted by the moderators, the list is

not a forum for giving personal opinions or speaking lashan hara.  Please 
can the moderators make sure they this does not become a thread now for 
taking sides on this issue.

Shabbat Shalom

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder" <philnchanie at gmail.com>
To: "BS_List" <list at shemesh.co.il>; "rbs lists - huji" <rbs at cs.huji.ac.il>; 
"Rbs2" <RBS at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, December 30, 2011 11:23 AM
Subject: [RBS] where it all starts, and where it can end

first of all, i want to publicly thank Yehuda Meshi Zahav for his
article in Hashavua B'Veit Shemesh

second, for those who wonder how it can be that there is violence
against beit Sefer Orot -  after all , Hareidim are not hateful

BUT when they build a wall around the gan building, to shield their
children fromthe neighbouring gan, they are teachign the next
generation that "other Jews" are to be avoided at all costs, and even
when we, hareidm, move into a populated neighbourhood, we must shut
our neighbours out (or stand outside their schools saying tehillim
that they should leave)

I am deeply sorry to be writing this, but i think that we have to be
able to take a stand, to demand that the wall be taken down,
we must remember that Hareidim who move to a city which is not all
hareidi (or that matter, to a country in which they benefit from
services provided by non-hareidim) have chosen to be part of a world
in which there are other Jews, and other people, and those people are
NOT a plague tobe avoided, BUT RATHER they are neighbours, relatives,
soldiers and firefighters to be appreciated and respected (and even
loved , at least Gd seems to think so)!!!

Please, if you believe in HaShem, His Nation and His Torah, stand up
for Ahdut .  Tear down the walls!!

It is my tefilla that the lists will not censor this email, and in
that way again prevent people from hearing other people's feelings and


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