[RBS] Chickens!

[RBS] Chickens!

Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham (BTYA) Information info2 at btya.org
Mon Jan 9 05:23:29 IST 2012


Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham invites the tzibbur to join 

R' Yechiel Spira, from Jerusalem Kosher News

As he delves deeply into the following topics:

****.	Chicken: Shechita and Beyond TONIGHT'S TOPIC****
.	Milk and Dairy Products: What's the big deal?
.	Goyim: Bishul Akum and Pas Akum
.	Hafroshas Challa
.	Wine: Stam Yeinam, Yayin Nesech, and more
.	Liver: Kashering and Cooking

Printed course materials will be provided, supplemented with presentations
and discussion.

This weekly class is open to men and women.

20 NIS per class. Subsidies available.

If you did not receive one of the sampler booklets, you can download it from

You will learn material that is VERY relevant to your home, your kitchen,
your eating-out, and your shopping.

Starts TONIGHT, 14 Tevet (9.1.12). 8:30 PM.

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