[RBS] Siach Berama looking for shuls!

[RBS] Siach Berama looking for shuls!

Ephrayim Naiman ejnaiman at gmail.com
Mon Jan 9 21:11:57 IST 2012

We're looking for shuls!

If you know of a shul in RBS-A that is *not* on the list below, please
contact me - we'd like to add them!

In addition, if you have any information on the following shuls,
please forward me contact info:

Kollel Yissachar - in the Bnei Torah building at the end of Uriya
Back of Kishon somewhere on the even side - not perushim, tifferet
yisrael or zechut avot
Lachish 33b - 2nd minyan in the Motza Mayim building?
Yarden 106 - new building going up
Luz 23 - across from Ko Tomar
Sorek 15 - new building going up to the left of Nachal Mishmar entrance
Or Meir - Lachish 4

Tizku Lemitzvot!

-Ephrayim Naiman
ejnaiman at gmail.com
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