[RBS] Course: ADHD Life Coaching Course, Focusing on Children ADHD

[RBS] Course: ADHD Life Coaching Course, Focusing on Children ADHD

Gilad interivity at gmail.com
Sun Jan 15 15:10:23 IST 2012

Shalom shalom i am a member of RBS

Are You a life coach?
Do You love working with children?
Do You want to give children with ADHD a real good start in life?

Don't you think it would be important to understand

How to ingage with these children
What motivates them
When they thrive and bloom

You really need to understand these kids at there core 

ADHDiversity will be running a coaching course on the very successful and extremely effective ADHDiversity methodology of 
coaching ADHD kids and their families.

If you are a Life coaches, teachers, educators, therapists, counselors or really interested in working with ADHD kids
then this is the course for you

The course will be run in Jerusalem
It is being opened to the public

The course will be 4 sessions of 3 hours per session.

Dates: January 29th 
             Febuary 5th, 12th, 26th
 The Course breakdown:

1st Session: 3 hours:


1.     ADHDiversity Methodology

2.     Motivation: - Understanding how motivation works

  				    - Testing for what motivates the child
 				    - Correct application of motivation

        3.     Learning styles: - Different learning styles

                           - Testing for Different learning styles
                           - Application of Learning styles

4.     Right Brain vs Left Brain: - What is a right brain thinker       

                                           - Testing for right brain 
                                           - Application of the difference of Right brain thinking

5.     Multiple intelligences : -What are multiple intelligences

                                             -Testing for multiple intelligence

 					- Application of multiple intelligence

         6.     Executive Skills: -What are they

                             - Testing for Executive Skills.
                             - Application of Executive Skills

7.     Past Present Future (V.A.K) – What is V.A.K

                                              - Testing for V.A.K

                                              - Applications of V.A.K

8.     Introduction of the Holistic Resume.

2nd Session: 3 hours:


1.     How to use the holistic resume with kids

2.     Body Language

3.     Breathing and relaxation techniques

4.     Basic NLP 

5.     Safe spaces how to create them and what are they.

3rd Session: 3 hours:

-      Understand ADHD a break down

1.     Black and White thinking vs Shaded thinking

2.     2 dimensional thinking vs multi dimensional thinking

3.     Big picture vs detail

4.     Emotional support

5.     Process

6.     Encouragement

7.     Effort vs Outcome

8.     Time Approximation

9.     Successive approximation

10.  Breaking State

11.  Creative Anticipation

12.  Performance Inconsistency

13.  Broken Record

14.  Acceptance vs Approval

15.  Love vs Attention



4th Session: 3 hours:

               1.     Executive skills -Working with them in session and at home

			           	    -Creative ways to learn different executive skills

				                     -Process and chart for executive skills

            2.     Nutrition 

    3.     Communication

           -Whats actually been said and how to work with it.

 	           -Becoming the student

 	           -Games and ideas

 A comprehensive power packed course that will give you the understanding and the tools to really work with kids and families with ADHD SUCCESSFULLY

We are limiting the participants to a maximum of 10 people.

For more information please contact Gilad Spitalnik from ADHDiversity
Contact details below

ADHDiversity Practitioner and family Life Coach 

Gilad  Cell:  052 467 2886
Email: adhdiversity at gmail.com 

ADHDiversity Making ADHD your greatest asset

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