[RBS] what do you do when you have a medical question at night?

[RBS] what do you do when you have a medical question at night?

Riva joelriva at bezeqint.net
Mon Jan 16 23:59:23 IST 2012

In the States, my pediatrician had a 24-hour answering service and I could
get advice at any hour of the day and night. I understand that some Kupot
here offer this type of service during the night, where a doctor can advise
you about your child's symptoms and recommend that you wait or go to Terem,
or Emergency, or whatever. Is this true? If so, which Kupot offer this?
Logically speaking, it seems it would cost the Kupa less to employ a
pediatrician to be on-call at night than to have to pay out for unnecessary
emergency room or urgent-care visits.


I'd like to find out what's available and then see if we can get Meuhedet to
offer something like what I believe many of us experienced in pediatric care
in the States. Anyone else interested in requesting this type of service? 




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