[RBS] Another way to get Dames of the Dance tickets

[RBS] Another way to get Dames of the Dance tickets

The Jerenbergs batyai100 at 013.net
Sun Jan 22 23:38:39 IST 2012

Dear Listers
If you want to go to the Sunday (26/2) or Tuesday (28/2) evening showings of Dames of the Dance on your own – or to the Thursday eve (1/3) showing also on your own (i.e. not through me and the bus), then all you have to do is this:

To reserve on line, go to http://tinyurl.com/damesofthedanceTicketOrders5 where you record your order. You tick the box next to the ticket seller you can get to most easily, and then go to her house and pay ahead of time, so that specific seats can be set aside for you. The other sellers in R/BS are - Risa Grajower - 9952157 risagraj at gmail.com, Chaia Weinschel – 054-910-6758 bellydancer8 at gmail.com and Eleanor Sheff - 077-400-3939 alwaysomethingnew at hotmail.com. You can pay with cash or by check.
It’s very simple!

I’d like to also remind everyone again that I’m arranging a bus to go from Beit Shemesh and RBSA for the THURSDAY NIGHT showing (March 1). We will have a block of 50 tickets and although I’ve gotten some responses, the bus isn’t nearly full yet. Please hit reply or call me at 999-6078 to reserve your spot/s on the bus and arrange a time when you can come pay. Tickets to the show are 55 NIS each and the bus is 25 NIS per seat. 

For those who have expressed interest, I’d also like to remind you that I can’t guarantee a spot until I’ve actually got your money in hand.

Batya Jerenberg
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