[RBS] Lost pink ballet slippers in oolam sport around chanukah time

[RBS] Lost pink ballet slippers in oolam sport around chanukah time

Adina and Charles Rosenstein cr1818 at netvision.net.il
Tue Jan 24 09:25:28 IST 2012

Two pairs of pink ballet slippers were lost in the ulam sport around chanukah time.
the sizes were either 13 or 13&1/2  and the other pair was either an 11 or 12.  they still have the prices inside on stickers from payless.we have two very sad girls and they would really like their slippers back.
So, if you have them or know whomever found them and kept them for safekeeping until the right posting came along, please make contact with Yael at yaelanddaniel at gmail.com and they will happily arrange a happy episode of hashavat aveida.
Tizku lmitzvot.

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