[RBS] unsolicited recommendation couples workshop

[RBS] unsolicited recommendation couples workshop

marti winston martirobin2 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 30 21:53:57 IST 2012


Shalom All,

I first met David Schnarch in 1998 at the Cape Cod Institutes - a
series of workshops for mental health professionals.  I have since
attended several of his clinical trainings and used his approach in my
work with couples.  I cannot speak highly enough of the man and his
approach to couples therapy and would strongly encourage you to attend
his upcoming 1 day workshop in Tel Aviv.  I have been in the field for
over 12 years and can honestly say that I know of no other approach to
couples therapy that is so profoundly effective as this.  I will warn
you that his language is not always as refined as what many in the
frum community are used to and would prefer - but if you can overcome
the occasional off-color remark and other uncomfortable moments that
might arise, I can say that your encounter with Schnarch will likely
be a very special and important experience. The workshop would be
equally interesting to couples, therapists, and anyone who works with
couples. You can read more about him at the website:

Here is the link for the workshop:  http://zoatelaviv.mypages.co.il/pages/5083

Kol Tuv
Daniel Winston, MFT

PS - just to provide another point of reference: Rabbi Mordechai
Twersky also trained with Schnarch and - to best of my knowledge -
still refers frum couples to him.

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