[RBS] Looking for daily carpool/ride to Kanfei Nesharim to Jerusalem

[RBS] Looking for daily carpool/ride to Kanfei Nesharim to Jerusalem

ashenrus1 neshoma at bezeqint.net
Wed Jul 4 00:08:07 IDT 2012

Dear RBS

I am looking for a carpool - daily ride to or near Kanfei Nisharim in Jerusalem since I need to be there for work at 9AM. If anyone is going there and can I join you for a ride going from RBS to Jerusalem  and also if you are going back to RBS around 6ish, please email me at neshoma at bezeqint.net or call me at 0546-202-781. I am willing to pay for gas as well. 

I look forward in hearing from you.

Reuven Ashenberg


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