[RBS] Siach Berama: Devarim, Tisha B'Av, Ve'Eschanan and Eikev

[RBS] Siach Berama: Devarim, Tisha B'Av, Ve'Eschanan and Eikev

Ephrayim Naiman ejnaiman at gmail.com
Thu Jul 26 22:40:41 IDT 2012

Dear All,

The Siach Berama for Devarim, Tisha B'Av, Ve'Eschanan and Eikev is
available online at:


And will IY"H be delivered to almost 50 shuls in RBS-A IY"H tomorrow.

Thank you to the 2 families that sponsored this issue of Siach Berama.

With B"H 1,000 calendars distributed to almost 50 shuls,
the cost of each issue has gone up and we are now offering the calendar
via an email list to help offset these costs.

If you'd like to receive the calendar directly to your email, please
send a blank email to: siachberama-subscribe at yahoogroups.com.
Or, visit the website at: http://www.yahoogroups.com/group/siachberama

If you've
       the Siach Berama Davening Times calendar,
           then we could

Each week's sponsorship is NIS 150, L'Ilui Nishmas, Mazal Tov, Refuah
Sheleima, etc.

Tizku Lemitzvot!

Miriam & Ephrayim Naiman
sb at simchatyechiel.org
Simchat Yechiel sponsors Gemachim, The Siach Berama Calendar,
Children's programs, Shiurim and the Kol Berama Boys' Choir.

L'Ilui Nishmat Yechiel Simcha Ben Moshe Tzvi Naiman

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