[RBS] HOT NEWS & new products at Saidels Bakery!!!

[RBS] HOT NEWS & new products at Saidels Bakery!!!

Sheryl Saidel shezles at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 6 11:57:06 IDT 2012

There are lots of new things going on at Saidels Bakery -

A delicious, new, NON-SWEET whole wheat challah
A new line of organic flour products
A new distribution point in Efrat and the Gush
Summer Workshops for the whole family

Our new NON-SWEET whole wheat Challah 

For a while, people have been asking us why we don't make a non-sweet challah, like the "block" you buy at the makolet, especially Sephardim who have a problem making Hamotzi on a sweet challah. We balked at the idea of copying the "edible cardboard" type of "block" challah, made by the major bakery chains, you often find at makolets. So we began researching and experimenting to come up with a creation that would be a fitting addition to our repertoire, matching our standards of superior taste and health, and we have finally succeeded. 

We are pleased to announce our new, non-sweet, Savory Whole Wheat Challah! This challah is made from 100%, finely ground, organic whole wheat flour. Because the flour is finely ground, it is light and fluffy, (unlike our 100% whole wheat pan loaf - which is made from coarsely ground flour). To make this challah special, we have added roasted potatos and dill for a complexity of flavor and texture, and the result is an amazingly light, moist and delicious challah. We tested it with "chumus", like many people would at the shabat table and it is the most incredible combination. It is like "chumus" was invented for this challah.

We are offering our new, yummy challah at a SPECIAL introductory price of only 16 NIS. You may order it on our website at www.saidels.com or by phone 09-7941222.

Our new line of Organic Flours 

Anyone who buys whole grain flours (whole wheat, spelt, etc.) knows, the fresher the flour, the healthier it is. Flour that was milled and has been in a refrigerator for a month in a health store, will not be as healthy as freshly milled flour. Saidels is offering a new line of FRESHLY milled whole grain flours that are milled in our stone mill in our bakery, right before your very eyes - it doesn't come fresher than that. 

We offer a wide range of different flours, whole wheat, spelt, finely ground, coarsely ground. We even offer sifted white flour (no more need for sifting at home) - all at incredibly LOW prices. Saidels has a reputation for quality and integrity and you know that your flour comes directly from certified organic grains, no sifting, no additives, no watering down - just pure nature at its best. All our flours are kasher lemehadrin and require no additional sifting as long as they are kept in the refrigerator - they can be used right out of the packet.

To learn more about whole grain flour, read our latest article "Stone Cold Life" on our website at www.saidels.com/articlelist.htm  You may order the flours using our online ordering system or by phone 09-7941222.

Our new outlets in Efrat and the Gush 

We have opened a new outlet in Efrat at Rechov Hagefen 46/7. We will also be opening an outlet in Elazar from June 15. This coming week we will be having a free tasting evening in Elazar. Keep posted for more details.

Tell your friends and family who live in Efrat and the Gush about Saidels so they can also enjoy superior quality baked goods. If you refer a new customer to us (from anywhere), you will receive a FREE challah of your choice on your next order. The new, referred customer will also receive a surprise GIFT with their first order. Be sure they tell us that it was YOU who referred them to us. 

Saidels Bakery Summer Workshops 

Saidels Bakery will be conducting SUMMER WORKSHOPS for adults, kids or the whole family in the months of July/August. Our workshops will be the highlight of your summer and are an incredible, enjoyable and educational experience for all. They are a perfect day's outing for the whole family and you can combine the workshop with a meal at our cafe. So keep that in mind when planning your summer schedule. Stay tuned for details in future emails, or call 09-7941222 for more information.

Saidels is a boutique, artisan bakery that produces a unique range of healthy and delicious baked goods with a superior "home made" quality. We have a variety of health breads, specialty challahs, bagels, bialys, pies, quiches, cookies, gift baskets and more, all at very affordable prices.

To read more about our unique bakery or to order our products, visit our website at www.saidels.com or call us at 09-7941222. 

We deliver to Ramat Bet Shemesh every Friday. We have a pick-up point or we offer deliveries to your door (for a 10 NIS fee). 
Our pick-up point in Ramat Bet Shemesh:
The Gordon Family, Nachal Shimshon 12/1 Tel: 9997643 from 14:00-16:30.

To order, visit http://saidels.com and use our user friendly on-line order form or call  09-7941222. Our website contains photos and information about all our products. 
Shabbat Shalom
Les and Sheryl Saidel
Saidels Bakery "baked with love"
Tel: 09-7941222
shezles at saidels.com

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