[RBS] from Shlomi Revivo - city liaison for national "city wthout violence" program

[RBS] from Shlomi Revivo - city liaison for national "city wthout violence" program

Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder philnchanie at gmail.com
Mon Jun 11 10:50:03 IDT 2012

translation of parts of a letter Shlomi sent to the Beit Shemesh
Sayeret Horim volunteers


I have been following the current thread about a recent  patrol, and i
have mixed emotions

First of all, I am grateful that in our city, there are such good
people , involved in the coomunity, who are willing to give so much of
 themselves for the sake of the general population.  I feel very
fortunate to be working with such a great group of people.

On the other hand, there is a difficult situation with youth in
general, not just in our city.

My partners and I are trying to  find ways to wake up parents from
their apathy, and we have had some limited success.  But we are
farfrom reachign the majority of parents. There seems to be a feelign
of "this is how it is", acceptance of a situation that shoud lnto be
accepted, a "giving in", as well as a syndrome of ignoring or even
denying of the situation.


The keys to a solution are in our hands.
Parents tend to forget how much influence we can have on our children,
and sometimes even use "educated" excuses such as "loss of parental
authority".   Who took away our authority if not us ourselves?

The equation is painfully simple - unattached, uninvolved parents ,
who are not significant figures in their children's lives shoudl not
be surprised to find himself not accepted by his child as an authority
or an influence in his child's life (in the best case scenario).

We (professionals) now know, from years of experience with Sayeret
Horim programs have been a significant positive influence on the
youth.  We also see that  the volunteers themselves benefit twice -
first by their contribution totheir own neighbourhood, and also becsue
what they learn (in  the course and out in the neighbourhood)  helps
them as parents to their own children.

Please take the time, expecially in the summer months, to give Our
Children 4 hours , once a month.

The training course teaches information and skills that benefit every
parent, teacher and civilized person .

Additionally, the Beit Shemesh parents' School has had a very
succesful year of lectures, workshops and supprot groups.  BEH, we
will continue with more programming in the coming school year.  Please
take advantage of this wonderful resource.

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