Mandy Gaziel mandygaziel at gmail.com
Mon Jun 11 23:12:35 IDT 2012

Posting for my darling daughter ......



We're thrilled to announce that CAMP FUN is back, for a great, fun and
exciting keitana this July.


Dates: Sun 22 July to Mon 30 July (including Tisha B'av).


Hours:  9.00 - 14.00 (Tisha B'av until 12.30)


Ages:  3 - 6


Location:  Nahal Refaim 12/2


Cost:  300 Shekels.  Discount for siblings - 280 Shekels 


I will be running the camp with Atara Razin.  We are both qualified in basic
first aid, and we both have years of experience running great camps.  Many
recommendations available.


What's on the agenda:


- Water fun

- Arts and Crafts

- Baking

- Games

- Dress Ups

- Shows 

- Fun in the Park 

  etc. etc. etc.


Please feel free to call and register either Tehilla: tygaziel at gmail.com -
050-998-5775 or Atara: atararazin at gmail.com - 054-323-6530.


Looking forward to a great summer.


Tehilla and Atara





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