[RBS] Our kids are getting married ...

[RBS] Our kids are getting married ...

Schilit Shoshanna srschilit at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 13 01:29:07 IDT 2012

or got married within the last year or two, and...

they need some tools on how to deal with finances, live within a

budget, getting through the month without going into overdraft (if the
bank even allows overdraft to their accounts), planning their
financial future, buying a home etc. etc.

I am interested in bringing in Paamonim for either a one-time 
lecture, or a series of four, preferably the latter.  A young couple
I know did it on a yishuv with a few others, and thought it was great.

The series of four lectures (They will be given in Hebrew.) is 1,800 shekel, 
which can be divided up by the amount of participants.  The couple mentioned 
paid 400 shekel for the series.  


We could perhaps find a sponsor willing to subsidize part of the
expense to lower the cost to particpants.

If anyone is interested in this, I am willing to take down names,
organize it, collect the funds etc. and even host it in my own home,
unless we can find a shul  that will allow us to use its social hall without a fee.

Please be in touch if interested in particpating, sponsoring, helping
to organize, or know of a venue we can use for free.

Thank you

Shoshanna Schilit
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