[RBS] 2 American Bikes FOR SALE 14" and 16"

[RBS] 2 American Bikes FOR SALE 14" and 16"

moving sale adlermovingsale at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 21:18:11 IDT 2012

Two American Bikes for sale (one blue, the other orange)
Ones is a Thruster Stinger 14" and the other is a Mongoose BMX 16".

They are in great condition and never needed any repairs. They are great
and sturdy bikes.
Each for 250 with Bell Helmet.


Contact adlermovingsale at gmail.com

Please only interested responses. I have already received my fair share of
emails of those who feel obligated to teach me their "vast knowledge"
on children's bikes. Such as, "Why would I buy your used bikes if I can buy
a brand new bike exactly like that in Kangaroo for the same amount of
money". Or, "Yours are used so these should be half price now of what they
sell in our stores."

I will clarify that I do know that Kangaroo does, in fact, sell bikes that
are brand new for about 250-280 NIS and they are most definitely not "the
same" as mine. Yes, the Chinese have stamped on their little sticker of
"BMX" to fool the naive eye, but that is all it does. BMX is not the name
of my bikes. It is a style. My bikes cost me close to 100 dollars each and
I never had the chain fall off or brakes stop working on the first day. I
know for a fact, from a family member who repairs bikes here, that the ones
they sell in this country are cheap, and they are what you pay for. Even
too much for what you pay for.

I know this is what they have here and if you don't appreciate quality and
just want to buy your children new bikes and you don't care what type they
are because your children enjoy riding into walls and leaving their bikes
out to get rusty and stolen, that is okay with me. I have no complaints.
Everyone must do what is best for them. I am not looking to force anyone to
buy my bikes, I am looking to see if there is anyone who wants quality and
has been unsatisfied with what they bought in this country for their
children. The names of the bikes are great names and they cost good money.
I am not charging for what they cost me, nor for the shipping and taxes
that was slapped on when I brought them in. They look amazing and are a
great buy for someone who wants them.

So please, don't bother sending me those emails. If you don't want the
bikes, don't respond. Enough people told me I am overcharging for something
that I would have grabbed, so as not bring in bikes as I did, had I seen
such a deal. Please keep the negative comments to yourself. I am looking
for serious replies, thanks.
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