[RBS] Looking for 3-4 room rental

[RBS] Looking for 3-4 room rental

The Jerenbergs batyai100 at 013.net
Wed Mar 14 00:16:23 IST 2012

I am looking for a 3-room rental preferably, on a ground floor or low floor 
with an elevator (that’s also a Shabbat elevator) for a single man who has 
undergone a back operation so it’s very hard for him to walk, let alone do 
steps. It would be great if it was either near the merkaz mischari, even 
though he’s not hareidi, or near the shopping on Dolev. If there’s no such 
animal, we’re willing to consider 4-rooms in those areas. It has to be 
immediate occupancy (up to April 1).

We are perfectly willing to do this through a real estate agent!

Batya Jerenberg
054-549-6078 / 999-6078 

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