[RBS] this week's parsha and maot hittim

[RBS] this week's parsha and maot hittim

Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder philnchanie at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 11:46:52 IST 2012

in the parsha this week, the Torah tells us that someone who cannot
afford the birds or animals for their korban shouldd bring flour
and that makes me wonder about some of the requests for tzedaka for
families that "require" food with extra hechsherim or money in order
to purchase extras such as a hats and suits

i don't see myself as super-stingy (though my kids may disagree)
but i think that anyone who is collecting money or food for tzedaka
should "lower their standards" in order to provide more food at less
expense to the charitable folk

remember - aseh shabbatcha hol, v'al titztareich la'briot

yehi ratzon that we all always be on the giving side

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