[RBS] Why is it Important that We are Central Committee Members?

[RBS] Why is it Important that We are Central Committee Members?

Likud Members of Bet Shemesh likudbs at gmail.com
Thu May 3 22:21:47 IDT 2012

With the help of hundreds of residents of Bet Shemesh, 6 "Anglos" were
elected from Bet Shemesh to the Likud's Central Committee.

Here's what we are doing this Sunday (from Suzie Dym):

Will justice be restored to Likud on Sunday?? Depends on us! Pass it on...

Remember the Likud internal court which ruled that it was OK to effectively
remove Moshe Feiglin and Gush Katif loyalists Michi Ratzon and Ehud Yatom
from the Knesset list, after they had won their Knesset seats?


On Sunday, the new Likud Central Committee members have the opportunity of
voting in a new President for this Likud Court (Bet Din shel haLikud). (5
PM, this Sunday, 6 May, in Tel-Aviv).

"Our" candidate for this position is Adv. Emanual Weizer, a National Camp
loyalist and a senior active member of the Israel Bar Association. 

However, for Adv. Weizer to win the Likud Court Presidency, ALL -- 100% --
of "our" Likud Central Committee members need to be present on Sunday.
Otherwise, the other, "unaffiliated" candidate will win. 
Please therefore pass this message on URGENTLY to whichever Likud Central
Committee members you know!! 


So, thank you ALL for your support, and we'll pray that Hashem sends us

Aryeh Sonnenberg
Likud Central Committee Member-Elect

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