[RBS] Employment guidance and counseling

[RBS] Employment guidance and counseling

tami elmaliach elmaliacht at gmail.com
Tue May 15 08:01:26 IDT 2012

New Olim (up till ten years in Israel) are eligible to get employment
guidance and counseling by an occupational psychologist for free.

This service is offered to:

New Olim who plan to actualize there voucher rights – learning a profession
or plan to retrain.

Academics who haven’t yet integrated into the workforce.

The counseling will be given on Mondays and Wednesdays between
9:00-14:00 in the Beit Shemesh branch of the ministry of absorption.

You must call ahead and make an appointment.

Telephone number: 02-9939111



Tami Elmaliach
Coordinator of English speaking Olim
Absorption Department
Municipality of Beit Shemesh
olimhelp at gmail.com
050-4518889, 02-9997704

תמי אלמליח
רכזת עולים דוברי אנגלית
מח' קליטה
עיריית בית שמש
olimhelp at gmail.com
050-4518889, 02-9997704

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